Climate Naples - Florida

Average high in °F:767880848991
Average low in °F:535558626873
Av. precipitation in inch:2.052.322.242.283.358.9
Days with precipitation:------
Hours of sunshine:------
Average high in °F:939392888378
Average low in °F:747474696256
Av. precipitation in inch:
Days with precipitation:------
Hours of sunshine:------

How many sunshine hours in Naples?
Naples weather is pleasant because it boasts a daily average of 7-9 hours of sunshine, from November – January. From February to October, sunshine hours increase from about 8 to 10 hours per day. Overall, 70%+ daylight hours in Naples are sunny days. Awesome!

What’s the UV index for Naples?
Of course, the UV index varies from day to day, and the daily weather forecast should be checked accordingly. From October to February, readings are in the 5 to 8 range, and shoot up often to highs over 10+ during the rest of the year. Diligent use of sunscreen in this climate is an absolute must. 

What’s the best month for a Naples Florida vacation? 

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This can be a difficult question to answer, in order to satisfy everyone. 

People have very different expectations for ‘vacation’ weather. It depends on the activities you’re interested in. Are you a golfer? Looking for perfect warm weather for water sports and tanning?

Some people would be very unhappy with temperatures at any given time below 80F. Others would be contented with temperatures hovering in the low 70’s. 

The best time to vacation in Naples Florida, is October to May. Average temperatures are warm and pleasant, and the rainfall is minimal.